Our Chamber Music Camp consists of an intensive and varied program, emphasizing ensemble coaching and supervised rehearsals under the direction of outstanding summer music faculty. The camp experience will be further enhanced by seminars and related classes offered.
Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello
- Daily Ensemble Coaching and Supervised Rehearsals
- Master Classes
- Seminars/Related Classes
- Performances
- Recreational & Social Activity (free discussion sessions, Q&A sessions and outdoor activities)
- Completed Application —
- Age Limit: 14 - 19 (exceptions may be considered at the discretion of camp faculty)
- Priority will be given to older applicants when audition scores are equal
- Student must have had a minimum of 3 years of private instruction, and be able to play works similar to Beethoven's middle period
- An audition is required unless the applicant qualifies for a waiver
- Audition Requirement: Two contrasting pieces or movements submitted digitally (such as CD/DVD, YouTube link or audio file)
- Waivers will be considered for applicants submitting a written or verbal recommendation from current or former students of Dominican Summer faculty members
- Live auditions can be arranged, if time permits
The application deadline has passed, however, please inquire for any available spaces
Tuition is free. There is an $80 non-refundable Application Fee.