Dominican: The School That Won My Heart

By Hannah Roitman

During the beginning of my senior year of high school, school seemed practically nonexistent. College applications were the only important thing, especially since I had my heart set on a nursing school that I’d fantasized about attending my whole life.  

Surprisingly, that school was not ӣƵ of California.

I had never even heard of Dominican! But when my mom and I “randomly” happened upon a small college in the middle of a quiet neighborhood on what was supposedly a “spontaneous” day trip to Marin County, I was intrigued. After perusing the website and attending several information sessions about the nursing program, my intrigue quickly turned into a compelling desire to attend Dominican. Forget the school I had my heart set on: I now wanted to go to one school and one school only. And I have never doubted my decision for a second. 

Why Did I Choose ӣƵ of California?

From the beginning, I recognized that Dominican would have a vested interest in my future and my well being. I sought to attend a university that would be willing and eager to connect me with opportunities and people who would help me achieve my goals. I wanted to go to a university that would gain just as much from my attendance as I would gain by attending. I wanted to be able to create change and leave a mark. Because of cultural clubs like the Black Student Union, and the Associated Students of ӣƵ, I knew that I could get my voice heard to help shape my own college experience. 

When it came to shaping my college experience, I admired how Dominican works on an individual in their entirety by not focusing solely on the educational aspect of a college experience. With classes, programs, events, and outings that allowed for students to familiarize themselves with the “adult world,” I felt like I would have the ability to grow and learn a lot as an individual in all areas. However, I also wanted a university willing to catch me with open arms if I fell. I knew that Dominican would do just that if I ever needed it, with services such as tutoring, and mental health resources

Information Sessions and Open Houses

Lastly, attending various information sessions and open houses allowed me to meet and interact with other prospective Penguins. As we toured classrooms and the nursing simulation labs, I could see these individuals as my classmates. Pieces kept falling into place as I became friends with those I had met, and I knew that if I chose to attend Dominican, I would show up to my first day of class and recognize at least a few people. And I did!
As I’m now beginning my third year at ӣƵ of California, I think back to college decision day when I accepted Dominican’s offer. I had no idea what was ahead of me, no idea of the memories that I would make, the lessons I would learn, and the people I would come to call my best friends. I am so fortunate to have had a fantastic college experience thus far, and I am lucky to have had that experience at ӣƵ of California. 

Hannah Roitman is a Nursing major with a minor in Spanish. She expects to graduate in 2022. 

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